Meristem Book Club
The Meristem Book Club is named after the feminist/LGBTQ+ bookstore some of you will remember on Cooper just down the street from the Center (1990-1998). Meristem cells are the point of new growth in plants — like stem cells in humans. The book club is named after the bookstore in honor of our past and with hope for our future.
The purpose of the book club is to read and explore written works by women and LGBT authors, and to foster a community of support with like-minded women. Membership is open to women (LBT and straight-identified) in the Memphis area who want to read and discuss books by women and LGBT authors.
Basic Ground Rules
- Every woman is entitled to their own perspective and opinions.
- Every woman’s contributions to the club are of value.
- Every woman will respect the right of others to their opinions, even if they do not agree with them.
- Every woman will be allowed time to talk or express their thoughts and opinions.
- The club may decide on ways to ensure that all members have an opportunity to participate – i.e., rotation, talking stick, timekeeper, etc.
- Each woman is responsible for reading (at least part of) the agreed-upon book and for contributing to the discussion of the book.
- Each woman is responsible for contributing to positive group dynamics in the club.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Meristem Book Club is now meeting via Zoom
on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 7:00p.
For more information about the book club and to get the Zoom meeting link, email us