Restoring your Voting Rights

The Tennessee Constitution allows the legislature to deny the right to vote to people who have been convicted of certain crimes. The legislature passed laws that prohibit people convicted for various felonies from voting.
Tennessee law allows most people who have a felony conviction to restore their voting rights after they have completed their restitution. If your conviction was for murder, rape, or treason you will probably not be allowed to vote in Tennessee.
Before starting the process, please answer these questions:
1. Have you been released from prison or jail and have you finished probation?
2. Have you paid your court costs and any restitution ordered?
3. Are you current on your child support (if you were ordered to pay child support)?
If the answer to any of the three questions is no, then you will not be able to restore your right to vote at this time. However, if you answered yes to all that apply to you, then here are the steps to obtain a Certificate of Restoration (COR).
To get the Certificate of Restoration completed, go to:
If you were convicted of a state offense in Shelby County, here is the office where you can find your restoration paperwork:
Address: 201 Poplar Avenue, 4th Floor, Memphis, TN 38103
Phone: 901-222-3375
If you were convicted of a federal offense:
Address: 167 N Main Street, Room 234, Memphis, TN 38103
Phone: 901-495-1400
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